Daggers Drawn
- Tragic scene with a rolling pin
Quite a large slice of life. Obviously children were not right
for the first guy.
Mummy's got a rolling pin, and Daddy's got a knife.
They're gonna hit each other, till one has lost their life.
How come it ended up like this, from such a happy start?
When they were joined together, they said they'd never part.
All was fine for many months, they seemed to have their match.
All his drinking mates would say, he'd got the perfect catch.
They were truly happy then, she was his special friend.
But when a little girl was born, it seemed to mark the end.
No more trips down to the pub, and no more sex at night.
No more mates round for the game, her mother ev'ry night.
This was not what he had thought, his married life would be.
Awful thoughts then filled his mind, of years of misery.
Grabbed a knife out from the drawer, and meant to kill her there.
He lunged full strength towards her, but she had kitchenware.
The rolling pin was heavy, she knocked him to the ground.
Little girl came crawling in, attracted by the sound.
He used the girl to shield him, and struck out with his knife.
She was way too fast for him, it's he who lost his life.
When the court had let her go, she found another man.
One that loves the little girl, the way a father can.
Category: "Stories", Star-Rating: ***
Written by Keith Lambell, February 7th 2002
Poem viewed 39 times since March 2002.