Two Swans
- These important creatures fly North
A thinly disguised tribute to Paul and Maddie as they annouce
their decision to move away from Southampton.
Two swans, who had flown together through many a storm
Flew south one winter, in search of a better feeding ground.
They were both arctic swans, but when came the longer days
Knew they'd found a place to live, despite the calling northbound.
The two swans formed a nest together, their love grew strong.
They watched the blossom falling, enjoyed the sun on their wings.
Both became very much a part of, the flock of southern swans.
Up and down the river, around the lake, at the centre of things.
They stayed for five whole summers, in their home by the sea.
Their tales of far off northern lands, were often to be heard.
Many swans would stay or visit, even though their nest was small.
Their name was known both far and wide, by every single bird.
But the urge to move on, was growing strong in their hearts.
A desire to see more of the world, then return to their own.
Time to go, despite their fondness for those southern parts.
Time to spread their wings and fly to places yet unknown.
The two swans said their farewells, as they circled round the lake.
Such a gathering of all the swans, had not before been seen.
As the two flew north, a silent sadness, followed in their wake.
Happy memories remained always, of a swan king and queen.
Category: "Stories", Star-Rating: **
Written by Keith Lambell, February 7th 2002
Poem viewed 191 times since March 2002.