A Day In The Life Of A Streetlight
- Take another look at those lights
Never underestimate the usefulness of these streetlights.
Twenty-four hours a day in the life of a streetlight,
But on average, only half of those are we turned on.
That's right girls, all of us slender streetlights are blokes.
Standing erect for all to see, on the street where we belong.
We are stronger than a tree,
And far higher than a bus.
When you see a single light,
Look, you'll see a row of us.
Why not stop and admire our elegant, slender outline.
Do you see that metal plate, with a keyhole in the middle?
In there you'll find we have all sorts of high tech gadgets.
But none of them stop the dogs, who stand here for a piddle.
Vital on your way home,
And brighter than a candle.
Don't mind the wind and rain,
Too tough for the vandal.
In an urban jungle, just tie your yellow ribbon here.
Rest your bike against us if the inner tube is bust.
Tie up your hotdog van with that heavy gauge chain.
We'll just crack and crumble, then succumb to rust.
A concrete monstrosity,
Yet ultimately cool.
Bright yellow luminosity.
On your way to school.
Without us, no place to hang that planning application.
And how else could you get your car bonnet to bend?
Don't walk by, gaze a while on our functional simplicity.
Yes in this world of darkness, a streetlight is your friend.
Category: "Humour", Star-Rating: *
Written by Keith Lambell, February 7th 2002
Poem viewed 43 times since March 2002.