Waiting For The Train
- Yes, waiting for a train
Unfortunately, most of this is based on experiences I've had
at one time or another whilst waiting for trains.
We waited for the train,
But the waiting was in vain.
Despite the heavy rain,
No one would dare complain.
"You lot have the service that you deserve."
Said a woman who clearly had the nerve.
"You need new trains that can tilt on a curve."
"Don't forget it's them that's here to serve."
We waited for the train,
Without a coffee to sustain
Weary travellers through our strain,
And some of us did start to wan.
Just to rub it in, a goods train came rushing by.
Moving slow enough to jump on, though we didn't try.
But that seemed to break the ice, we talked to those nearby.
It briefly seemed to lift the mood, as the minutes slipped by.
We waited for the train,
Watching water run down the drain.
The cold was shutting down my brain,
But on the platform we did remain.
Our late-running train disappeared from the little screen.
Perhaps it had sneaked past already on the track unseen.
Two little moving lights off in the distance could be seen.
Our train at last, a just reward for how patient we had been.
We got aboard the train,
One hour late but moving again.
Some would call us insane
For even trying to take the train.
Category: "Life", Star-Rating: *
Written by Keith Lambell, November 29th 2001
Poem viewed 25 times since March 2002.