Don't Look At Me
- The world looks different upside down
A sequence of unlikely events have lead our character to be looking into the eyes of a gunman, upside down.

"Don't look at me that way" he said, as I looked at him upside down.
I knew he was trying to smile, but to me it seemed more like a frown.
I still hadn't worked out how come I was hanging here in the hallway.
Something deep inside told me that this was not going to be my day.

I remembered the man outside the jeweller's shop the day before.
I'd been on my mobile when he rushed by, knocking me to the floor.
The police had been on the scene very quickly and nabbed two men.
"It was you what shopped us, wasn't it?" All became clear right then.

"No, I was calling my mother, she's been quite ill". He wasn't moved.
"How come the filth were right bloomin' there then?". He felt case proved.
"It's all been a big mistake, I don't know you from Adam!" I explained.
But it turns out his mate was Adam, so my face became bloodstained.

As I thought that my time was up, there comes this guy crashing through.
Guns firing, he kills my assailant, and a ricochet cuts the rope in two.
Without a second thought I ran and ran until the pain made me fall.
And as I came round again in the ward, the day made no sense at all.

Category: "Stories", Star-Rating: *
Written by Keith Lambell,   November 22th 2001
Poem viewed 80 times since March 2002.