You Are Your Car
- Does your car reflect your pesonality?
Is it true that certain types drive certain cars? This one was inspired by Rob losing the bumper on his BMW.

Your neighbour has a Lada, cannot afford Granada.
But at least he's not lumbered, with a Fiat 500.
We can see you're not a wimp, if you drive a Hillman Imp!
But don't prove one iota, if you drive a Toyota!

At the lights you say "Howdy", to the babe in the Audi.
But never try and force her, if the girl drives a Porshe.
You'll have trouble with her bra, turning in a TVR.
But remember that you can, inside your brand new Nissan.

No fear you will defeat all, at the wheel of your Beetle
Just turn the corners gently, when you're driving a Bentley.
Never mind what it's costin', if you have got an Austin.
You'll have no trouble startin', a brand new Aston Martin.

You can sip your Martini, sat in a Lamborghini.
You'll always have a party, driving a Maserati.
The music gets dancier, driving in a Lancia.
The fun is never over, as long as you drive Rover.

Make believe that you're Yoda, at the wheel of your Skoda.
Drivers will all stare at you, passing in their Subaru.
The girls will find you dishy, inside a Mitsubishi.
Could memories be fonder, than those of your old Honda?

See the guy in front of you, in his B-M-W?
Oh yeah, he's out to impress, with his beemer bumper-less?
You are defined by your car, whether Ford or Jaguar.
So be careful what you drive, don't get that Sinclair C5.

Category: "Humour", Star-Rating: *
Written by Keith Lambell,   November 1st 2001
Poem viewed 24 times since March 2002.