Personal Injury
- Say no to the claim culture
Having received a card asking if I would like to sue my company for any little thing that might have happened, I returned it to them (prepaid) with a little wish that they would have no replies.

I just can't believe what I saw in the post that arrived today.
Do I wish to make a claim for some injury I sustained at work?
Had I stubbed my toe? Had I scuffed my shoe? Had I inhaled air?
Did I want to screw my boss for every penny he might have had?

Did I pick up a cup of coffee, unaware that it might be hot?
Should I have walked around the desk, but never have sat down?
Oh yes, of course it's their fault, of course it can't be me!
Let's sue the arse off everyone, and see what happens next.

Don't they know that our lives will always hold some danger?
We live and learn, weigh up the risks, then we play the game.
So stop the ambulance chasers, and stop their insipid letters.
Put an end to this culture of blame, and give us back our trust.

If you can hear me then you personal injury claim facilitators.
I am wishing you no success, and I am hoping that you will fail.
I am hoping that the people will be able to see for themselves.
Society has no need for pathetic parasitic leeches like you.

Category: "Rant", Star-Rating: **
Written by Keith Lambell,   October 18th 2001
Poem viewed 31 times since March 2002.