Lights and Lights
- SFA Light show
One of Paul and Maddie's favourite bands is the "Super Furry Animals" (SFA). I went along with them, together with Rob and Charlotte to see SFA play in Southampton.

There are pretty lights and purple lights, and lights that pulse at will.
There are verticals and doily wheels and ones that stay quite still.
And in amongst the visual show there is music underneath.
With high guitar and low bass notes, and a gnashing of the teeth.

There's songs I know and songs I don't, but there all in perfect time.
Even though the lyrics don't make sense, at least they seem to rhyme.
Oh the melodies are moving, and some sway me to and fro.
And the lyrics hold me spellbound, before it is time to go.

Yes they've played the catchy single, but they're happy to perform.
The long and winding techno track, that seems counter to the norm.
Still we've got all the drinks we need, having been down to the bar.
Here we are to enjoy ourselves as we listen to the SFA.

Watching all the loops and cameos, and portraits of the dead.
It never seems to dawn on us, we might watch the band instead.
A big time band they are by far, with two drummers on the stage.
And if there was a programme, there would be photos on the page.

After being firmly felt up, by the guys down at the door.
The girl who shall be nameless, hopes in vain that there will be more.
But it's strictly non-contact sport as we file out one by one.
Into the now not raining world, thinking of our night of fun.

Category: "Experiences"
Written by Keith Lambell,   September 27th 2001
Poem viewed 29 times since March 2002.