- General mistrust of all things financial
I genuinely did once ask a bank counter employee what APR actually was, and they did't know. Note the alternative meanings for APR.

"Take a loan from us and we'll give you the lowest rate."
"There is nothing to pay for three whole months from this date."
"It's an unsecured loan and so your home is not at risk."
"Compare our rates and then fill in the form, but be brisk."

APR : it's a licence to steal.
Attempted Personal Robbery.
Don't be tempted by the lowest deal.
Accumulating Payment Rip-off.

Don't ask them what any of it means, they just don't know.
But you can be sure that they'll get their hands on your dough.
You can join their schemes, but don't think you can ever leave!
You'll be trapped inside the small print they cleverly weave.

APR : legalised extortion.
Automatic Pressured Repayments.
Go buy yourself that country mansion.
Activate Preferential Ratings.

"Transfer all your outstanding loans in one easy move."
"We don't need references, there's nothing you need to prove."
"Let us manage your money, you'll get a credit card."
"Just sign right here on the dotted line, it's not that hard."

APR : it's nothing but damn lies.
Aggravated Periodic Rape.
Final payment will be a surprise.
Accelerate Penal Retention.

Category: "Rant", Star-Rating: **
Written by Keith Lambell,   July 26th 2001
Poem viewed 19 times since March 2002.