Crimson Skies
- Fantastic tale of an alien invasion
A tale of great courage against an invading force of alien creatures.
Actually I would be more likely to run! [Read in a dramatic voice.]
The sky had turned a crimson red, and the birds had ceased their singing.
All around I heard voices crying out in disbelief, and church bells ringing.
They had come, and oh how the nature of their coming had surprised us all.
Was this how it was to end? Surely mankind must fight on, must stand tall.
But they were strong and fierce. They seemed intent above all on our demise.
Such fearful creatures with an armoured shell, and large red glowing evil eyes.
And out they poured from their numerous ships, bringing waves of destruction.
With such powerful weapons of pure energy, of no known earthly construction.
We gathered what little we could find to defend ourselves, built a wall of earth.
So futile against this invasion force, but the planet was ours by right of birth.
We fired back with air rifles, threw rocks and shouted at them with fists high.
They might have laughed as they kicked in our wall. I saw my comrades die.
I ran back and joined some others who had sought shelter in a railway tunnel.
Then in one came, and another. Following in like water through a funnel.
But they slowed before they reached us, and one by one froze without a sound.
As we looked upon them now, it seemed they could not function underground.
We grabbed their weapons and slaughtered all that stood there now before us.
Firing wildly as we emerged, we killed many more of them, than they of us.
Their numbers seemed to make our task impossible, but we kept up the fight.
Sharing out the captured guns as we surged ahead, we saw them take flight.
Taking out more and more, they fled, and many made it back to their ship.
They seemed to be safe inside, but they had clearly had enough of our whip.
With a trail of shimmering air behind them, the remaining creatures fled.
We torched the craft and bodies still strewn about, until all was crimson red.
Category: "Stories", Star-Rating: ***
Written by Keith Lambell, July 26th 2001
Poem viewed 26 times since March 2002.