Six Strings Too Many
- Hapless cowboy song
In the style of a cowboy song. It is inspired by my lack of musical skill and the blister that came about from attempting to mess about on a guitar for all of about 5 minutes. For some strange reason I decided to sing it wearing a cowboy hat.

I tried to play my friends guitar, and now the jokes on me.
My finger's got a blister now - its hard to count past three.
Why don't they tune the bloomin thing, so you can pick a song?
Without the need for all this pain, what am I doing wrong?

There are six strings too many, as far as I can see.
I wish there was a button there, to press to make it play.
There are six strings too many, its just not fair on me.
My fingers just aint long enough, to press down all the way.

There is no way I'll remember, which chord is on which string.
And they haven't even written, instructions on the thing.
So how on earth do people know, where fingers oughta be?
I just know I'll never get it, it's not the thing for me.


You'd have thought they'd make 'em smaller, just pocket size or so.
You could take it with you walking, and nobody would know.
They say that this size is needed, to get the perfect sound.
They could at least have made it right, and lose this little hole.


I'll leave my friends guitar alone, and stick to beer instead.
At least that way I can be sure, of what's inside my head.
So I'll leave it all to Charlotte, she's better don't you know.
And just pretend with air guitar, and let my feelings go.

Chorus (repeat last line)

Category: "Humour", Star-Rating: **
Written by Keith Lambell,   April 5th 2001
Poem viewed 66 times since March 2002.