Beautiful Things
- Appreciate things whilst you can
Dedicated to a young lady who has been undergoing therapy for breast cancer, yet at the same time
appeared in a Christmas Panto (as a dame), and was absolutely marvellous. She will of course continue
in the same manner. But things like this make you stop and think.
Who knows what this life brings?
All of nature's most beautiful things
Might be crushed in an instant,
Denying you that moment
That you had put off again,
So that now it can never happen.
Your greatest assets may be your downfall.
Killed by something that is so small,
So deadly, yet unseen,
The delicate balance, not as it should have been.
Rosy cheeks marked with channels of tears.
Shining eyes try hard to conquer your fears.
The show must go on.
There is no script, and it could all go wrong.
And there is the challenge.
There is no way to play without taking the plunge.
Headlong or headstrong, we all play our part.
Swimming or sinking as we race from the start.
Make the most of it now and hope it will last.
Try not to be tied down by your past.
You're free to live life the way that you want to be.
And you have the power to smile at adversity.
Don't lose the child that yearns for a voice.
Remember that somehow, you still have a choice.
Who knows what this life brings?
When you think you have the measure of things,
It will turn around,
It will leave you upside down, or floundering upon the ground.
Some of life's most delicate things
Seem to have the deadliest of stings.
Who knows what this life brings?
Category: "Life", Star-Rating: ***
Written by Keith Lambell, December 16th 2004
Poem viewed 34 times since March 2002.