Personality Politics
- Politics is about the people not the personality
Inspired by my hearing that quote "Politics is about the people not the personality" on the radio
and the story of Tony Blair going into hospital with minor heart problems.
Personality politics,
Outright lies and dirty tricks.
Imagine them with demon eyes
As they tell us how to downsize
The public servants but not the service
And all of this
With another cut in taxes we cannot see.
Not so fast! We are on to all your trickery!
Yes Tony Blair
Is putting money into National Heart Care.
But the waiting list
Is something he seems to have completely missed.
The bedside charm
Turned up to full so that he comes to no harm
Despite the lurking diseases
That would give the rest of us more than sneezes.
Behind that well rehearsed synthetic smile
Might lie the waiting teeth of a crocodile.
Despite the rhetoric of sharing out
He might tear your hand off when you hold it out
To give back some money to the cause
For which you give your wholehearted applause
But only seems to benefit the crackpots
Leaving society with its poverty black spots.
Politics is about the people, not the person.
It's about solutions and not a diversion
To hide the truth or siphon off money
So that you can go and retire somewhere that's sunny.
It's supposed to be something we care for with passion,
Not just a colour of badge we choose out of fashion.
But it's all gone so terribly wrong
And it might end in tears before very long.
Do we have to form a pressure group
Just to keep the people in the loop?
When will they remember
That it's us who made them a member?
It is for the people that they serve.
And for that reason then, we deserve
To be respected
At all times, not just before they become elected.
Personality politics.
Leads to decisions that are fixed.
The rank and file can't shoot from the hip
When behind them there stands a three-line whip.
They must all shut up and follow the line
Fed back from the leaders who just want to shine
In the limelight and appear on TV.
They don't give a damn about you and me.
Power to the people, we must make a stand.
Speak up about something before it is banned!
But let us have liberty
Not descend into anarchy.
Let us have freedom of voice
And the right for our choice
To be openly heeded.
Our resources to be given wherever they're needed.
The future is out there.
The future is ours.
Category: "Comment", Star-Rating: ***
Written by Keith Lambell, October 7th 2004
Poem viewed 27 times since March 2002.