- Just another secret admirer
Another case of having to keep my feelings to myself. But I did actually ask her out. Sadly she told me that she was married. Oh well!

If I could only kiss Sarah,
I wouldn't care were it day or night.
Equal would be the delight, of her lips on mine.
To be near her, to see her shine.
To see the fairies sprinkle stars over the letters of her name.
To enjoy the space around her, and to sense the same
Beautiful curves, that she has been able to
Each day since she knew, what it was to be a girl.

If I could only kiss Sarah,
I would be able to share her breath.
To put my arms around her waist, and embrace
Her warmed clothes, and to taste the edges of her face.
To feel the movement of her heart.
To feel the exhilaration of what so surely would be the start
Of a beautiful new love
And such eternal happiness, only granted from above.

If only I could kiss Sarah,
As if all my dreams there were made true,
It would be so wonderful Sarah to kiss you.
But you are promised to another,
And as I am not your brother, I will miss out on this kiss.
I will need to find another in order to bring about my bliss.
And so my lovely Sarah, it would seem,
The only way I will ever kiss you, is in my dream.

Category: "Love", Star-Rating: **
Written by Keith Lambell,   August 19th 2004
Poem viewed 29 times since March 2002.