- A very emotional singer
The story of a very emotional singer that the crowd adore.
She seems less confident in herself. This whole poem sprung up
out of the idea of a singer being pre-instrumental (rather than
something sounding similar that female readers will be more familiar with).
She fills the centre of the radiant beam of light.
Surrounded by those who she introduces by name.
Her band begins to play and there is a shout of delight
From the audience as her voice wins their acclaim.
So many in the crowd adore her, but she cannot share their view.
Singing in time with, then over the top of the band.
They are playing the same old songs, never anything new.
She enchants them all in a way she cannot understand.
And now it seems the singer's aggression fills the line
And loses her voice as she becomes pre-instrumental.
She leaves the stage and calms herself with a glass of wine
As the keyboard player strikes out an incidental.
On her return, the singer and the song become again as one.
She holds the microphone and coils the lead around her wrist.
Phrasing and moving in time, harmony seems to have won.
But then one wrong note seems to force a turn into a twist.
Things are heading for another kind of breakdown.
As the singer rejects the song, and then changes her key.
The musicians try their best to keep up but that turns a frown
Into a vivid scream, as the colour red is all that she can see.
As the crowd start to applaud, she begins to smile.
It's just the ups and downs, that they have seen before.
Emotional outpouring, never meaning to beguile
Taxes those around her, while attracting many more.
Those who think for themselves will always make their mark.
They are blessed and cursed by doubts and questioning why.
She may not know the song, as she stands there in the dark
But she understands the chords, and her words will justify.
Category: "Stories", Star-Rating: *
Written by Keith Lambell, February 26th 2004
Poem viewed 37 times since March 2002.