Selling It With Spandex
- Advertising uses women
A not entirely serious look at the use of women in advertising. It is
interesting to what extent associations of cool, chic, trendy etc are
important in purchasing decisions. [Oh and yes, I did have to look up
the meaning of subjugation.]
Have you noticed the way they try to sell you a car?
Have you seen the way we are told what bank to use?
Do you observe the methods they use to persuade?
Forget about the product, get a girl in all the views.
Selling it with spandex, giving the suggestion,
That you'll get sex, simply by association.
What about that new book by the author we all know?
Or that cereal packed with goodness and a strawberry swirl.
They don't want to print a précis or nutrition on the front.
No room for the details, once they've put on the pretty girl.
Selling it with velvet, giving the suggestion,
Of what you'll get, simply by association.
To show that a mobile phone can take a great picture
Do you think they'll zoom in close on a beautiful cat?
Or will they get a blonde lying on a bed in a towel?
Or maybe the girl stroking the pussy, how about that?
Selling it with nudity, giving the suggestion,
You'll have the beauty, simply by association.
But I'm sure it's the girls that do the most shopping.
So focus on the shiny car and not the model's bra?
Tell us about the handling, the airbags and the boot.
There's more involved than glamour when it's time to buy a car!
Selling it with lycra, giving the suggestion,
That she'll like ya, simply by association.
Selling it with sex, and profit motivation.
Selling it with sex, and female subjugation.
Category: "Comment"
Written by Keith Lambell, December 11th 2003
Poem viewed 27 times since March 2002.