Mustn't Get Personal
- Nurses cannot get involved
I started off with the ryhmes at the beginning without knowing where it would lead. It turned out to be about the fact that nurses and doctors should try not to become personally involved with their patients.

The old man gasps, and desperately grasps
As his ticker seizes, and time freezes.
Falls to the ground, with people all around.
He cries out loud, at the encircling crowd.
The cardiac arrest, put the nurses to the test.
The defribulator jolts, with heart starting volts.
Despite the rush, there comes a hush
As they all strain, to hear the beeps again.
The worst is over, and he's starting to recover.
But none of them dare, to really show they care.
They mustn't get personal, keep it professional
At the end of the shift, just ride down in the lift
Back to their flat, and leave it at that.

Category: "Comment"
Written by Keith Lambell,   September 25th 2003
Poem viewed 48 times since March 2002.