Big Rocks
- A spoof episode from Star Trek
Did you ever notice that whenever the crew from "Star Trek" came to liberate
an opressed race, it turned out they died? "We come in peace, shoot to kill!".
As the air lock door opened, they caught their first glimpse of the red planet.
The three setting suns cast an eerie glow on the small mound on which they stood.
'My, those are big rocks' exclaimed Captain Pecan. 'Why thank you' replied Lucy.
'No, those rocks!' he said, gesturing towards the distant and enormous boulders.
The captain walked confidently ahead but collapsed just one step outside.
"Switch on Earth Gravitation Originator", observed Doctor Munroe.
"Yes, he's crushed without his EGO", said Lucy looking on with concern.
One switch click later the Captain was on his feet, brushing off the dust.
Six slowly moving people left the safety of their ship - "The Pride Of Dover".
The refit was expensive, but they'd bought it cheap and it had an excellent bar.
The Captain, Doctor Munroe, Lucy and three expendable characters set forth.
This was a mercy mission, to free an oppressed race of attractive females.
Some way off from the silver domed city, glinting now in the dimming sunlight,
They were aware of eyes watching them from behind the rocks to one side.
Suddenly, violent flashes of light leapt towards them, killing the three in red.
"Save me!" cried Lucy. The Captain tried to look brave, but failed miserably.
A group of shiny robot men bound their hands and marched them to the dome.
"Some kind of advanced artificial intelligence I'd say", the Doctor whispered.
"Hey less of the artificial, earthling", came the sound of a troubled metallic voice.
The true beauty of the city could now be seen as the door closed behind them.
"I demand that you take us to your leader" Captain Pecan said with authority.
"That's where we going anyway" said the robot, "and there you will be killed".
Just as he was wondering how he was going to get out of this one, "kazzam!".
"This way" shouted Leah, the leader of the rebellion as she destroyed the robots.
"You know, it would really help if you could stop staring at my chest Captain".
"Oh sorry Leah. What was the plan again?". Lucy sighed and filed her nails.
Doctor Monroe had analysed the robots and knew how to deprive them of power.
And so it was they moved swiftly to an area below the robot's control room.
"If we reverse the field to the flux capacitor, the positron flow will cease."
Nobody understood the Doctor, as he simply flicked a small unlabelled switch.
As they made their way along the many corridors, all the robots had stopped.
The women, so long oppressed, gave the crew a banquet, and the Captain a kiss.
As the "The Pride Of Dover" left the planet, they had no idea.
Without the robots power, the domed city was doomed.
All the women they had just saved would die.
But at least they weren't oppressed.
Category: "Stories", Star-Rating: *
Written by Keith Lambell, September 11th 2003
Poem viewed 75 times since March 2002.