Is It Right?
- Love for one too young
Based on feelings for a girl some 15 years my junior. Perfectly allowable but unlikely to work!

Is it right, that I watch the fabric of your blouse?
That I wait, for the folds to move, and touch your skin.
Is it right, that I long for a breeze to tug the seam,
To reveal just a little part of what lies within.

Is it right, I have your photo in a special place?
That I dream of you, when sleeping, and I smile.
Is it right, that I should find it hard to speak to you,
Though I pass you often, and linger a while.

Can it be right, that I long for you to be there?
Time my life around the moments when you are.
Can it be right, to have such hopes and desires?
When all can see, I am too old for you, by far.

Maybe it's not right, but I like the warmth inside.
The refreshing stream of crystal clear emotion.
Maybe it's not right, so despite my pleading heart.
I shall never let you know, I have such devotion.

Category: "Love", Star-Rating: **
Written by Keith Lambell,   June 14th 2001
Poem viewed 159 times since March 2002.