The Beat Of The Drum
- Feelings and sounds from Avebury
Written after one of the coolest weekends ever with Kim, Caroline,
Kate, and Screech among others camping out at Avebury for the summer
solstice 2003. The drumming around the stones, songs round the
campfire, and other influences combine. Read with rhythm!
The beat of the drum. The beat of the drum.
The beat of the drum, the sun in the tree.
The beat of the drum, the spirit is free.
The beat of the drum, directed at me.
The beat of the drum, hallucinatory.
The beat of the drum. The beat of the drum.
The beat of the drum, the smoke of the fire.
The beat of the drum, is making me higher.
The beat of the drum, is all I require.
The beat of the drum, is driving desire.
The beat of the drum. The beat of the drum.
The beat of the drum, will free up my mind.
The beat of the drum, is slowly refined.
The beat of the drum, will help me unwind.
The beat of the drum, is never confined.
The beat of the drum. The beat of the drum.
The beat of the drum, is totally true.
The beat of the drum, is following you.
The beat of the drum, a rhythm you knew.
The beat of the drum, is pulling you through.
The beat of the drum. The beat of the drum.
Category: "Experiences", Star-Rating: ***
Written by Keith Lambell, July 3rd 2003
Poem viewed 31 times since March 2002.