Road Killing
- Another squashed hedgehog
Written after walking past yet another squashed hedgehog in the road.
Made up from some true and some ficticious incidents.
The wheels on the car tear up the road,
With subtle hedgehog squashing sounds.
If it's on the tarmac, bird, cat or toad,
Then total carnage is ruled in bounds.
A young bird tries to leave its nest,
But fails to flap as it plummets down.
No need to put the braking to the test,
Just mow the little creature down.
Road killing in the name of ... excess.
Road killing in the name of ... freedom.
Road killing in the name of ... progress.
Road killing in the name of ... the car.
The kitten stretches and explores the lawn,
Scampering round in the dewy half light.
But curiosity meant it never saw the dawn,
As it got flattened by a passing headlight.
Rushing through the forest in a jeep at speed,
Rounding a corner, they were faced by a deer.
It was a most impressive example of the breed.
But as it cleared the roof, it had died through fear.
Road killing in the name of ... excess.
Road killing in the name of ... freedom.
Road killing in the name of ... progress.
Road killing in the name of ... the car.
In some things, the partridge is such a clever bird,
Seeking out the bushes in wet and windy weather.
But darts out and runs if a hostile sound is heard,
Donating to the traffic its each and every feather.
Every mile of highway contains a flattened mess,
A rabbit caught in headlights, or far too slow a sheep.
Passing tyres and hungry flies are eager to compress
Each former limb or organ, till nothing's left to weep.
Road killing in the name of ... excess.
Road killing in the name of ... freedom.
Road killing in the name of ... progress.
Road killing in the name of ... the car.
Category: "Comment", Star-Rating: **
Written by Keith Lambell, July 3rd 2003
Poem viewed 27 times since March 2002.