A New Jumper
- She jumps off the building
Not perhaps as sad as it first reads, this is the story of a girl
jumping off a building, but not just any girl. We know her name.
Jimmy moved just a little closer to the edge.
He could see her standing one foot from the drop.
He was not yet close enough to grab her hand,
But close enough that she yelled at him to stop.
What could have happened to make her want to jump?
What situation so without hope, she wanted it all to end?
How could anyone feel there was no one to talk it through?
Don't we all have contact with at least one special friend?
"My name's Jimmy" he said quietly. "I'm here to help you."
"Then you're wasting your time" she sobbed. "I've made up my mind."
"There's nothing that can't be sorted out, no wound that won't heal."
"What do you know? Why are you here? Are you trying to be kind?"
This is the first time that Jimmy has been out on a real call.
The first time he's been expected to make use of his training.
He struggles to think of what to do next, recalling a nightmare
Where a dead girl clutches the ground as diamonds are falling.
"Look, I know there are no miracles I can offer", Jimmy implored.
"But I do honestly believe that there are always options to be tried."
"Yeah, well I really don't think so mate. Not now that he's dead."
"Do you really want to hurt those who love you? Who has died?"
"John is dead. My John. How am I supposed to cope without him?"
"Your boyfriend?" Jimmy asked with as much compassion as he could.
"John Lennon has been shot. All I want, is to be with him, up there."
"I know I sound like a dreamer, but one day I think I'll be understood."
Jimmy rushed towards her. It seemed for a moment he could stop her.
But she leant forward, and in a frozen moment hung there in the air.
She had gone, and in her place, just one shoe by the broken railing.
Familiar music filled the air, and at last he understood his nightmare.
Category: "Stories", Star-Rating: *
Written by Keith Lambell, May 29th 2003
Poem viewed 34 times since March 2002.