The Contenders
- Shock and disgust at seeing the film
I saw the film "Series 7 - The Contenders" after listening to the publicity. I was quite shocked and disturbed by the film and with its premise of a game show in which players must kill each other.

It was only a film, a game, but it made me sick, made me ashamed.
I wished with all my heart, it would never really happen in this world.
It had no morals, not sure who it lauded, or where to put the blame.
A few rules were laid out, but never how such a game could begin.

How can it happen that someone is handed a gun, and told they must kill.
Kill or be killed. Destroy or be destroyed. Foul means or fair. Kill fair.
To beat a young girl to death, in the sight of her mother. Life snuffed out.
Nobody too old or infirm, just easier to beat. To beat, batter or stab.

Oh and all the while the masses watch from their homes on their huge TV.
They watch, they cheer, they taunt, they slaver, they wait, they enjoy.
And the cameras roam where none should be. All laid bare to entertain.
Sentenced to death by the agents of a smug little suit with a TV grin.

Sick to think we might sink into to this mire, sick enough to leave.
But I stayed and watched. My God was I part of this thing. Was I a part?
After two nights of flashbacks, I wished that I had in fact walked out.
If this becomes true, we will deserve the floods or fires that await us all.

Category: "Comment", Star-Rating: *
Written by Keith Lambell,   June 14th 2001
Poem viewed 44 times since March 2002.