Wearing Outside
- To go out or stay in?
I had a strange feeling that there was no need to go out, and if I didn't, just how much longer my shoes would last. Thankfully this feeling passed.

My coat would remain pristine
If I left it in the polythene
It was wrapped in when clean and really dry.
The hall carpet would not wear thin
If I were to keep myself within
And never venture out to where there's sky.

My umbrella stand
Would be just grand
If it wasn't for the rain and winds that blew.
Why do I have to go outside
When I can stay warm inside
And keep my brolly absolutely new?

My gloves with high tech lining
Would not right now be fraying
If they'd been worn less often in the snow.
And my scarf would not have shrunk
If it had never left the trunk.
What's so great out there that I should go?

My shoes are wearing out.
Maybe I shouldn't wear them out
But only wear them in.
Maybe I shouldn't go out at all.
Just stay inside my hall
And imagine where I might have been.

Category: "Life", Star-Rating: *
Written by Keith Lambell,   May 22th 2003
Poem viewed 40 times since March 2002.