Wasted Votes
- Another year, another election campaign
Thursday night was time to vote in the local elections. It seemed to be the same old campaign messages from the same old parties, so I made my same old cross in the box.

I can vote for whom I choose.
The party I back will lose.
With the first past the post,
It's whoever gets the most
Will get their hands on the booze.

A lot of votes are wasted
Too many posters pasted.
Some campaigning is perverse.
Depends how big the purse.
And how much caviar they've tasted.

They say they'll support my rights
Or put in extra lights,
But none has much conviction
After the election.
I'll still trip on the potholes at nights.

But I voted all the same
Despite the weary game
Of point scoring from the others
Some of whom are brothers
And some that seem to have no shame.

Another vote, another year.
Many leaflets, but still not clear.
Which candidate is labour?
Which blood sport they favour?
And which of them will tax my beer?

I carefully considered crosses.
Balanced wins against the losses.
I closed my eyes
And to no surprise
Found the same old names against my crosses.

Category: "Comment", Star-Rating: *
Written by Keith Lambell,   May 1st 2003
Poem viewed 23 times since March 2002.