The Alphabet Of War
- An inevitable Iraqi war poem
I had seen a great amount of news output about the invasion of Iraq. There were so many speculations and intricate details that I didn't think there was any way to collect them into a poem. The listing of thoughts by letter made it possible. Only time will tell us what part this action will have in world affairs.

The alphabet of war is very simple; making words from the letters is not.
Winning the argument is so much easier, once the other guy's been shot.

A for ammunition used to blast them all to hell.
B for Bush who started it, is heading there as well.

C for the coalition of the willing to be led.
D for democracy that may as well be dead.

E for entertainment that some of it becomes.
F for fighting in the streets, with grenades and guns.

G for guerrillas who once we might have trained.
H for hospitals that innocent blood have stained.

I for information broadcast in endless loops.
J for the jeeps commanders use to lead the troops.

K for killing men and women, in our country's name.
L for the leaders who seem to think, it's all a game.

M for military might and the massacre obscene.
N for nuclear weapons we pray are never seen.

O for ordnance dropped on buildings in the dark.
P for precision munitions designed to hit their mark.

Q for Qatar where the operation is all mapped out.
R for Rumsfeld whose capability is not in doubt.

S for sand that seems to be the only thing we hold.
T for the tanks in which the desert rats have rolled.

U for Umm Qasr, the port so vital for us to take.
V for victory we're told will follow in its wake.

W for what's the aim of the war Bush wants to wage.
X for exterminate all those that demonstrate their rage.

Y for why the hell are we getting messed up with the yanks.
Z for zero tolerance for casualties in coalition ranks.

The alphabet of war is very simple; making words from the letters is not.
Winning the argument is so much easier, once the other guy's been shot.

Category: "Comment", Star-Rating: **
Written by Keith Lambell,   March 27th 2003
Poem viewed 33 times since March 2002.