Digits In My Pocket
- Got to have that gadget
New gadgets are a bit of an obsession with some people.
But should I get one? What would I do with it? This poem
is also an excuse to get the word Nokia in somewhere!
I need a pocket device, to keep appointments precise.
A portable secretary, to travel around with me.
It needs to take dictation, aid my co-ordination.
It needs to be sleek and cheap, hold all the facts I need to keep.
I want it to be mood aware, respond like it seems to care.
It needs a vast memory, to make up for the lack of one in me.
It should make music at night, and put up a good fight
Should it ever be nicked, when my pockets are picked.
I want it to be fast, yet have the power to last.
Have the latest looks, plenty of storage for books.
The high res. colour screen, and infra red beam.
Need every little bit, to make this baby a hit.
Need the very latest gadget, so people think I'm with it.
Then I will accessorise, and brag to all about its size.
With hands-free navigation, and steering integration.
I want to fly like a rocket, with these digits in my pocket.
I need a pocket device, and I might need some advice.
Category: "Humour", Star-Rating: *
Written by Keith Lambell, March 6th 2003
Poem viewed 35 times since March 2002.