- Never forget your friends
Inspired by the one and only Johhny B when he suggested that I really
ought to go back down to the Hobbit after an unintented long
stay away.
Friends are your alpha, your omega, your beginning and your end.
You can never be alone, when you have at least one true friend.
Your single most precious gift to a person, is your love.
Get alongside them, get to know them, understand their cares.
Help them out. Not just once, but time and again.
Be there when they need you, even if they don't tell you when.
Friends are more important than your job or your house.
Friends are more important than anything you desire or own.
People not possessions. Being together, not living apart.
Let your mind seek employment, but lead life from the heart.
Complete your circle of friends as one hand holds another.
Hug them, console them, and help them paint their house.
When you've been away, or overloaded by the management
Don't forget your friends. Nothing else is more important.
Category: "Life", Star-Rating: **
Written by Keith Lambell, February 13th 2003
Poem viewed 30 times since March 2002.