Your Pension Is Safe
- Cynical view of pension arrangements
I don't like investments of any kind. I don't understand pensions.
This is a cynical view of a pension salesman, talking utter hype
and nonsense in order to make a sale.
"There's no problem with your pension." he said
As he shook his head.
"Everything's perfectly in order, it's all going well."
"Certainly not time to sell."
"You could buy into property."
"Even get the lot off me."
"It's better than the lottery."
"Have a bit of luxury."
"The markets have always had their ups and downs."
He attempts a smile, then frowns.
"Don't waste your time worrying about the footsie."
"Keep your money here and trust me."
"No need to diversify."
"Ride the low to find the high."
"No need to indemnify."
"Things will not go awry."
"Pensions are entering a new era of flexibility." he explained
He tried to grin, but looked pained.
"Nobody wants to be tied down to their final scheme salary."
"Get out now while you can, invest with me".
"You'll see my plan is the best."
"Come on, put it to the test."
"Sign your name across the line."
"Your pension will be just fine."
I asked him if he had his pension invested here as well.
The question make him look unwell.
"Employees are not eligible, it wouldn't be ethical."
"But that shouldn't make you sceptical."
It did.
I told him so.
He sighed.
And watched me go.
Category: "Comment", Star-Rating: *
Written by Keith Lambell, October 10th 2002
Poem viewed 30 times since March 2002.