Nothing To Buy
- What are these shops selling?
I just stood there in the shopping centre, looking at all the shops around me, wondering what it was they were selling, and why it was that people were here buying it.

There's nothing to buy in these shops
Apart from the ideal of a perfect body
Or the essential barbecue grill to outdo your neighbours.

There's nothing to buy in these shops
Apart from another new look for your mobile
Or a top so small you need someone else to hold it up.

Why are all these people here, away from the sun?
How many CDs does a person need?
How many new shoes?

There's nothing to buy in these shops
Apart from a poster to remind us how ugly we are
Or a little hammock to put our mobile phones in at night.

There's nothing to buy in these shops
Apart from a book on dog hair tapestry
Or one hundred uses for the fluff between our toes.

Why are all these people flocking round the shops?
What's wrong with the park?
What's wrong with the sea?

There's nothing to buy in these shops
Apart from an illuminated set of chattering teeth
Or a miniature waterfall for your table top at home.

There's nothing to buy in these shops
Apart from a singing dancing fish
Or a calculator so small, there's no way to press the keys.

Why are all these people here?
There's nothing to buy in these shops!
There's nothing to buy in these shops!

Category: "Comment", Star-Rating: *
Written by Keith Lambell,   September 26th 2002
Poem viewed 73 times since March 2002.