Information Super-Highway
- Lowdown on download
A reflection on the hype and buzz words associated with the internet. Read slow and loud!

E-commerce, m-commerce, i-commerce, I've no idea commerce.
Online, inline, on-top, tip-top, and login from my laptop.
My space, your space, outer space, it's all out there in hyperspace.
Click here, click there, hear a sample, go on, grab it now, download.

The whole world is mad for HTML
It's only here to help computers sell.

Check your MPG, watch some MTV, download MP3.
Interact, audio, feedback, chatback, connect free and hack.
Baud rate, data rate, coding rate, never going to get a date.
Freeware, shareware, try a sample, go on, grab it now, download.

Dot Coms haven't made any money yet
Still got to have your website on the net.

What's your Kilobytes, your MegaHertz, your name on ICQ.
HomePage, HyperLink, mainframe, subframe, just link them to your brain.
Netscape, landscape, lunarscape, you can try but there's no escape.
WAV file, MPEG, play a sample, go on, grab it now, download.

All through the night, yes and all through the day,
Drive the information super-highway.

Category: "Comment", Star-Rating: ***
Written by Keith Lambell,   May 24th 2001
Poem viewed 166 times since March 2002.