Stocks And Shares
- Shares are not for me at all
When they offered shares at work it made me question the whole idea.
I decided that the whole idea of stocks and shares were not for me at all.
I'll not take the plunge into a stakeholder economy, until I'm pushed.
You'll not find me entering the stock exchange, unless I'm ambushed.
Supporting your company is good, but I don't believe shares are the way.
Don't lock me in or tie my money up, let me be free to choose to stay.
I got the form with its elegantly smug little purple boxes to tick.
One for "yes". One for "of course". None for "no". Makes me sick.
It tells me that a person would be insane to miss this opportunity.
But looks like the beginning of a long and slippery slope to me.
We need to make things, we need to buy things, we need to own things.
There needs to be some substance to make sense of our monthly earnings.
The taxman says that shares are good, so many schemes have now begun.
Shares are like sand, that slips through your fingers, ice statues in the sun.
I'll not be buying stocks and shares, till God himself appears in town.
I'm holding out till judgement day, to watch the prices spiral down.
It's true that shares may lose their value, plummet, fall as well as crash.
So just for now at least I think I'll keep my money right here as cash.
Category: "Comment", Star-Rating: *
Written by Keith Lambell, August 15th 2002
Poem viewed 28 times since March 2002.