It's A Long Road
- Our journey through life
This one was inspired by a programme I heard on the BBC World Service. It was a programme teaching English to non-native English speakers, and was using a well-known English saying as a basis. "It's a long road that has no turning" apparently is a well-known saying meaning that things will change soon, they can't go on as they are forever.

It's a long road that has no turning.
At each junction we choose left or right.
We are directed by an inner yearning
Towards a goal beyond our sight.

It's not so much about where we are.
It matters more on which path we're found.
It's not that important if we will go far
But in which direction we're bound.

If we choose a partner on the way,
They should share our path of their free will.
For in forcing them off their own chosen way,
It's worse for them than standing still.

It's a long road that has no turning.
Some time soon you'll see, your luck will change.
Be true to yourself, and enjoy the learning.
Make the most, out of each exchange.

Category: "Life"
Written by Keith Lambell,   July 11th 2002
Poem viewed 30 times since March 2002.