Emotionally Up
- Seeing that special girl in town
This may be something that happenned to me, but maybe it isn't.
E-mo-tion-a-lly up, then e-mo-tion-a-lly down.
My head was in a cloud when I saw you in town.
My feet kept on walking when you smiled as I walked past.
A week spent in waiting, but nervous as you're here at last.
I'm lost in thought as I find myself through the shop door.
I only want to say hello, get to know you, nothing more.
Moving feet above the ground past aisles of things to buy,
Talking myself around, so I can give it another try.
Walking through the crowded street, I have fresh conviction.
There's no need to make my actions seem like an obsession.
I stumble over a greeting, but cannot speak to you now.
So I'm back again in a shop, feeling tongue-tied somehow.
After buying something on the shelf, I'm with you once more,
This time I find we talk freely, of all that life is for.
There's a light behind your eyes, and a beauty in your smile.
I watch you speaking and let my thoughts wander for a while.
There's no reason to think of us as anything but friends.
You have found yourself a partner, and there the story ends.
My heart has ceased to flutter, I'm looking straight at you,
But I know it won't be long till thoughts distort my view.
E-mo-tion-a-lly up, then e-mo-tion-a-lly down.
My head was in a cloud when I saw you in town.
Category: "Experiences"
Written by Keith Lambell, June 20th 2002
Poem viewed 28 times since March 2002.