Front Page News
- Reporters should just report
Do you ever feel that reporters are at least manipulating the situation they are reporting on? How many times have you seen a correspondent outside a building where an event is taking place, not having any more information than the presenter in the studio?

Hey, big news today for the war correspondents, you are not the news.
There's more to life than taking on the risk of dying
Just to get yourself awarded in the press.

Investigate or manipulate, don't you seem to have them confused?
We recognise the reporter standing in the rain,
But we're not so sure we know where Poland is.

Afghanistan is history, but there's a bloody battle in Palestine.
One war fades out, as yet another one begins.
So much for our time of peace, and end to wars.

The people's views are not worthy enough, for front-page news.
It's always our leaders that take the leads.
Or the correspondent whose hotel views are key.

There's seldom any happy news to be seen, in print or on the box.
And disasters are always rated according to estimates
Of the count of injured, not the impact that it has.

The worst plane crash since the last one, not the bravest rescue plan.
Forty people dead, not one hundred who survived.
Tragedy sells papers, so the world is a tragic place.

Category: "Comment"
Written by Keith Lambell,   June 20th 2002
Poem viewed 31 times since March 2002.