Turn It Up
- Enjoying music with my arms
Sometimes I just have to let myself go crazy when I am listening to music
in my room. Luckily I don't think anyone ever sees. Some albums just aren't
long enough though!
Turn it up louder, louder,
Till all the lights are blazing in my eyes,
Till my ears begin to ring.
With my arms up above my head,
Play air guitar with a crazy grin,
And jump around the room.
It's on again, my favourite band,
With the track, that by now
All my neighbours can recite.
Swirls of sound around the room.
Sweeping chords and crashing drums.
Guitars from wall to wall.
Total noise, total speed.
Wild, wild, wrapped inside.
Track on track, driving hard,
All the way to number 12.
Roller coaster, up and down,
Swept along with the sound …
Till silence comes crashing in.
Standing there, in a trance.
Mesmerised, satisfied.
The glorious afterglow.
It's time to rest a while,
Before my finger hits repeat.
Category: "Life"
Written by Keith Lambell, May 30th 2002
Poem viewed 31 times since March 2002.