What It Is To Be Cool
- A rough-edge diamond geezer
A short story of the life of a guy who thinks he's cooler than he probably is. For some reason I feel it out to be read with a South London accent.

You know what it is to be cool.
You never did nothin' at school.
You weren't there to learn, with stuff there to burn,
Knife any that called you a fool.

You know what it is to be cool.
You don't know what manners are for.
And when you went out, you put it about,
You had a girl there on the floor.

You know what it is to be cool.
Your lady's at home with a kid.
No money around, no work to be found,
You'd hit her, whatever she did.

You know what it is to be cool.
You sell kids a pure class A dream.
Policewoman came, yeah she knew your name,
You're going inside, seventeen.

You know what it is to be cool.
You always give lip to the screws.
And when you get out, unhappy, no doubt,
You'll end up by hitting the booze.

Yeah, you know what it is to be cool!

Category: "Life"
Written by Keith Lambell,   May 2nd 2002
Poem viewed 30 times since March 2002.