Metatarsal Bone
- On David Beckham's foot
As a long-time non-follower of football, I was fascinated by all the attention that David Beckham's injury was receiving.

David Beckham is our hero, he's the saviour of our land.
His dribbling skills alone, are worth the seventy grand.
But he's hit a spot of bother with a bone inside his foot.
He needs some healing hands, and is looking for our input.

"No babe, not my toe, it's my metatarsal bone."
He tries to put Posh right as she's speaking on the phone.
"Don't worry though my dear, I've got an oxygen free tent."
"But there's only room for one of us, I don't know what they meant."

Just days to fix aching foot, so he can play at football.
We've got to help the poor lad out, he's playing for us all.
Concentrate your mind on healing, and spare a thought for Posh.
She'll have to take up singing, without her husband's dosh.

Category: "Humour"
Written by Keith Lambell,   April 25th 2002
Poem viewed 36 times since March 2002.